Garza High Library » Garza High Library

Garza High Library

                 Welcome to the Justin Garza High School Library!
Welcome to the Guardian Library! 
We are excited to offer library services and programs to students and staff through classroom collaborations and at lunch.
Follow us on Instagram @jgh_library for the latest updates and offerings.
Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
*Hours are subject to change due to special events.*
Please make sure to present your student ID through your Minga app or your bus pass for all checkouts and transactions.



If you have questions, please email us:


Mrs. Ruggiero- Teacher Librarian

[email protected]


Ms. Chamberlain- Library Technician

[email protected]


Mrs. Salazar- Library Technician

[email protected]



Library Books & Textbook Returns


FRESHMEN - If you have not turned in your textbooks from last semester, make sure you get that done. You do not want to owe fees for missing/ lost textbooks.
SENIORS - get your textbooks from last semester turned in as well. If you have fees on your account, you will not be allowed to participate in the year end senior activities.